A downloadable game for Windows

A "one man game jam" style development giving you a digital version of the adventure book game "The Curse of Saltash Mine". Initial digital version took about a week of prototyping, trying off the shelf assets and coding then about 3 weeks data entry and initial testing. 

You can play with or without the game book. See https://www.bedsitgames.co.uk/shop for the book.

This will give a taste of what it's like going old school and playing an adventure game with just the basics (but without having to keep track of all the items, stats etc.).

Has lots of original art and text from Paul Stapleton (the author of the book).


tCoSAM.rar 61 MB

Install instructions

Download and use "Rar" (available free) to "un-zip" to a new directory then navigate there and double click "The Curse of Saltash Mine.exe" to run.